Prasun Timilsina
IN Nepal, where most of the people live in rural areas, people do not have access to the cinema halls and their best means to entertainment has always been TV serials. Though there are different TV channels presently in the country, they only have access to Nepal Television and the tele-serials. But, the irony is that the present soap operas are city centered and are produced in a modern way which gives the feeling as if they are the straight copies of Bolywood serials.
In the past, there was a tele serial Ujeli which dealt with the child marriage system and then there were other serials Devi, Thorai Pugi Sari that talked of the social factors and dealt the superstitions prevalent in the society. There were tele-serials like Ragat, Samjhauta, Kali Gandakiko Serofero made on the suppressed castes or say Dalits.
Now, director Nabin Subba of Numafung fame is coming up with a tele-serial 'Dalan' which entirely revolves around the state of the Dalits or the lower castes and the problems they face in their life. The serial has tried to explore the problems of the Dalits. It has gone back in history exploring their situation with the political changes in the country from 2007 B.S till now. ?
It's a socio-political subject. Its subject looks general, but we have to remember the fact that Dalits account for almost 20 percent of Nepal's population. I've tried to present their situations covering three generations delving on how they are living," said Subba talking to The Rising Nepal.
When queried as to why he opted for the topic, he said that when he had visited internal Terai about 20 years back he had seen the situation of the Dalits, which inspired him to work on the theme.

In this regard, producer Purna Baraily also said that the film has tried to present the state of the Dalits with political changes in the country. ?There were tele-serial made on Dalits before but they couldn't deliberate their literal situation so we thought to get in to the film and present them in the way they are," he said giving examples of tele-serials like Ragat, Kali Gandakiko?.?I believe that this film will bring a new wave in the history of tele-serials in the country and it may go international as this will explore and present the real situation of the suppressed castes," said Baraily an informed that it would be aired within this month.

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